In April, TFKC + the ReCyclery put on one heck of a garage sale! Hundreds of community members showed up on the dreary, drizzly Saturday to support our organization, shop and mission...almost completely clearing us out! The day ended up being the highest sales day ever recorded in the history of the Charlotte ReCyclery...our thoughts? WOW...and THANK YOU!
The ReCyclery crew spend the weeks prior to the sale sorting through our warehouse...hauling bikes, parts, and accessories that we were unable to use, but could still benefit those in the community. We worked hard, sweat a lot...and also managed to have a ton of fun in the process! Dot Dot, our little shop pup, basically stole the show (we didn't mind one bit!), and debatably worked the hardest being so, so snuggly and cute. Optimal moral support right there...proof is in the photo below.
At the sale, items were priced in categories, with the bulk of them ranging from $1-$25. Our goal was to clear out space to make room for usable program bikes + parts, while giving Charlotte access to more affordable cycling options. We think we achieved this goal, and based off of the feedback we recieved, it sounds like you all did, too!
While we've put on Garage Sales in the past, April 2022's sale inspired us to commit to making this an annual event. We might even throw in the occassional fall sale as well...what do you think?
Local documentarian Julie McElmurry, Executive Director of Charlotte's Unconventional Film School, volunteered her time and skill at the Garage Sale to document the day. She interviewed our mechanics, Executive Director Eric Supil, and local community members to highlight our mission and impact. Missed the day but want to experience some of the fun? Check out the link below to watch the video Julie created for us (thanks SO much Julie!):
To learn more about Julie McElmurry, the work she does, and get the scoop on Unconventional Film School, you can find a great interview from Porter Metzler with Julie below!